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About US

There is no doubt that scientific research, as well as teaching, is a basic pillar of the University; the Deanship of Scientific Research is a primary vehicle for spreading and developing knowledge in humanities, pure and applied fields.  

This is done via establishing quality units and creating a climate of interaction, creativity and development. Based on these principles, the KSU Deanship of Scientific Research, ever since it was established in 1419 A.H, has paid special attention to encouraging and developing scientific research in various fields of knowledge.  

The Deanship oversees four research excellence centers in addition to its supervision of twenty-one research centers including two female research centers: "Humanities Research Center" and "Science and Medical Studies Research Center". 

 The Vice- Deanship of Scientific Research for female sections, which was established in 1432H,, is responsible for the direct supervision of the research centers, Research Support and Services Unit , and manage  the "Undergraduate Student Research Support "Program ,with a direct support and motivation of female researchers and graduate students to ensure researches efficiency at King Saud University . 

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 2:31am