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Terms and Conditions

  • The program receives the applications and curriculum vitae of scientific researchers and scientific research assistants submitted by undergraduate students, postgraduate students, graduates, lecturers, new faculty members, and administrative members.
  • The following documents should be provided prior to signing the tripartite agreement between the Deanship of Scientific Research represented by the program’s management, the faculty member/ trainer, and the research assistant: the researchers’ curriculum vitae, the research proposal, the research methodology, and the tasks assigned to the assistant researcher, specifying the agreed period of number of days and hours and times of work.
  • The involved research members including the research faculty and research assistant can renew the same agreement a maximum of two times.
  • The research assistant is required to maintain the confidentiality of the research work and not to inform others of the information or the results of the joint research.
  • The research assistant is required not to participate scientifically in the results of the research without the written consent of the principal faculty member involved in the research.
  • The research assistant is required to devote himself to the research work by fulfilling the specified the number of hours and tasks required for the completion of the research as documented in the agreement.
  • The research assistant can work for a minimum of forty (40) hours during the semester which can be divided into four (4) working hours per week as specified in the agreement with the principal faculty member involved in the research.
  • The research assistant can work for a maximum of one hundred and fifty (150) hours during the semester which can be divided into fifteen (15) working hours per week as specified in the agreement with the principal faculty member involved in the research.
  • During the summer semester, the research assistant can work for a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours. This can be divided into six (6) weekly working hours as specified in the agreement with the principal faculty member involved in the research.
  • During the summer semester, the research assistant can work for a maximum of one hundred (100) hours. This can be divided into twelve (12) weekly working hours as specified in the agreement with the principal faculty member involved in the research.
  • The research assistant is entitled to enjoy the weekends, holidays, and the test period assigned for students enrolled in the program.
  • To obtain a research participation certificate from the program management, the research assistant must pass the minimum working hour requirement.
  • To obtain a certificate of technical expertise from the program’s management, the research assistant must obtain a written statement from the faculty member in perfecting the research technique.
  • To include the research assistant's name as a co-author in the published research paper, it is necessary to contribute to a minimum of 25% or a maximum of 75% of the research study as agreed upon for the completion of the research project, in accordance with the Code of Ethics of Scientific Research.
  • The research assistant must record the work hours and tasks performed by him in the Portfolio and submit them weekly to the faculty member (the principal researcher) until they are approved by him.
  • The principal faculty member involved in the research must document the participation of the research assistant by submitting a detailed mid-term report to the program’s management and a final report upon completion of the research, accompanied by the approved research progress record, within the period specified for completion of the research. The reports should be acknowledged by the research assistant prior to their submission. 
  • The program urges participating researchers, faculty members and staff, to publish the scientific paper in a prestigious scientific journal classified under the ISI or SCOPUS category and to share the results of the research work at a global conference with the research assistant.
  • Upon publication, the researchers’ names are arranged in accordance with the Code of Ethics of Scientific Research and in accordance with the written agreement documented in the approved "Publishing Agreement" model. The program’s management shall be provided with a copy of the agreement with the mid-term report prior to publication.
  • The program’s approved acknowledgement must be documented in the published research.
  • A faculty member may apply for a candidate or request a specific research assistant to work with him.
  • The advanced research assistant is allowed to choose to work with a particular research faculty member.
  • The research assistant can apply for more than one research project, but the participation should not exceed two projects during the academic year.
  • Intellectual property, including inventions, discoveries and developments conceived or embodied on the ground, conducted during the research study should be attributed to King Saud University.
Last updated on : January 12, 2023 2:31am