- Preparing a generation of new researchers.
- Giving students the opportunity to engage in the research process and enriching their curriculum vitae with research participation and scientific publications.
- Opening opportunities for students to acquire new research skills and learn advanced scientific techniques.
- Strengthening the infrastructure of scientific research at King Saud University.
- Creating an attractive environment to support excellence and creativity in scientific research.
- Supporting the research process through the collaboration of individuals from various fields.
- Enhancing the participation of researchers with different research interests and different scientific disciplines.
- Achieving mutual research opportunities between the program’s target groups and the experienced researchers from faculty members of the university.
- Enabling faculty members to work on more than one research project at the same time.
- Increasing the rate of publication among faculty members in the university in scientific and international journals of high impact.
- Promoting the ethics of scientific research.
- Establishing the role of the Deanship of Scientific Research in the promotion and sponsorship of research.
- Enhancing the role of the university in supporting and qualifying its graduates after graduation.
- Emphasizing the role of the Deanship of Scientific Research in achieving sustainable development and in promoting community services in respect to the 2030 vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.