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High-quality program

In line with the institutional funding program supported by the Ministry of Education to achieve the goals of the strategic plan for scientific research, one of its goals was to lead in the quality of research production and its distinction in the main strategic knowledge branches. This initiative aimed to support high-quality and Impactful scientific publishing of scientific research published in scientific journals. High quality, distinguished, and indexed in the publishing databases of WEB Network of Science that are compatible with the priorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, so that the initiatives support publication within scientific journals classified within the top 15% in the first quarter of the scientific journals indexed within the publishing databases of WEB of Sciences in four specific categories:





AJIFP ≥ 97%

Class A


95% ≥ AJIFP <97%

Class II


90% ≥ AJIFP < 95%

Class III


85% ≥ AJIFP < 90%

Class IV

* The 2019 Journal Citation Report (JCR 2019) includes AJIFP for all journals indexed in the Network of Science.


Terms and conditions

• That the first researcher or the correspondent researcher for the published research should be a member of the faculty or researchers at King Saud University.

• The percentage of participating researchers from Saudi universities (including King Saud University) from within the Kingdom must be at least 60% of the total number of researchers.

• To mention thanks and appreciation in the research published by the Ministry of Education / Research and Innovation Agency only, without mentioning any other party, and the Principal researcher undertakes not to change any data in the research, gratitude form, researchers numbers or names after the research appears on the journal's website and obtaining the reference number for the search DOI when any change occurs. The Deanship of Scientific Research has the right to cancel the contract and refer the matter to the Scientific Research Ethics Committee .. The form of thanks is as follows:

"The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for Research & Innovation," Ministry of Education "in Saudi Arabia for funding this research work through the project number IFKSUHI-000."



  • Applications will be received electronically starting from 09/3/1442 (26/10/2020) for one week via the website

For more information, please contact us via the program’s e-mail:



Last updated on : January 12, 2023 2:31am