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Faculty Supervisors

Faculty Supervisors

  • The project supervisor should be a faculty member (or equivalent) at King ‎Saud University.
  • The project supervisor should be responsible for the research project’s scientific, practical, and financial supervision.
  • The project supervisor should submit detailed mid-project and ‎final project reports explaining the distribution of tasks of the research team and detailed achievements of the participating student(s) during the agreed period to implement the research proposal.
  • ‏The project supervisor (and the student) must submit the final copy of the completed research ‎project to the program’s administration at the end of the agreed period for the implementation of the research project.
  • The project supervisor must deliver a signed “Publication Agreement Form” with the undergraduate researcher(s) along with ‎the submitted final copy of the executed research to the program’s administration. ‎
  • The project supervisor (and the student) should submit the scientific ethical approval for their research project (if required) to the program’s administration during the agreed research period and before receiving the financial support.
  • Research execution expenses shall not be covered until after the mid-project report has been submitted by the supervisor, accompanied by the approval of the scientific research ethics (if required), in addition to the delivery of original stamped and certified invoices for a value not exceeding seven thousand Saudi Riyals (‎‏SR 7‏‎,‎‏000‏‎).  Moreover, the expenses should comply with the unified rules of scientific research ‎and ‎financial administration at King Saud University along with the proposed budget items included in the submitted application form during the agreed period of implementation of the project.
  • The project supervisor will receive the amount of the publication support after publishing the research paper according to the classification of the scientific journal in which the paper was published. The publication support will, in turn, be divided with the participating student(s) such that two-thirds are to be submitted to the supervisor, from which the supervisor can use to pay off the publication fees, and one-third to the student investigator(s).
  • The name of the student researcher(s) must be included as author(s) in the manuscript at the time of publication. The order of authorship names should be arranged in accordance with the prior agreement between the researchers and in accordance with the Code of Ethics of Scientific Research, with a written copy of Authorship Agreement Order to be submitted to the Program’s Administration.
  • The faculty member may supervise a maximum of two research proposals during the same cycle.
  • The faculty supervisor shall notify the program’s administration in the event that he/she abandons the supervision of the research project and, henceforth, must nominate or recommend a replacement to ensure that the project execution is not delayed.
  • Special cases shall be submitted to the Supervisory Committee of the program for discussion and consideration. Proposed recommendations are forwarded to the Deanship for the final decision.

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Last updated on : January 12, 2023 2:31am