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Regulations and Conditions for Research Group Application

First: Regulations and Conditions  for  Research Group Application

1-That the Research Group must have a Principal Investigator (PI) from KSU faculty who published at least two (02) papers in journals indexed in ISI databases and appear in web of science.
2-The Principal Investigator (PI) assigns an appropriate name for the Research Group that reflects its scientific field(s); and submits a summary of the expected activities of the Research Group.
3- Multi-Disciplinarily and coherence of the specialties within the Group must be taken into account.
4- A researcher can be a member in a maximum of three Research Groups, but can be a Principal Investigator in one Group only.
5- The minimum number of individuals in a Research Group should be one co-Investigator in addition to the Principal Investigator.

6- Achieving the Scientific requirement of the of the research group (RG-XXXX-XXX)

   (a)Track A: by completing (15) points refer to table 1 & 2 

    (b)Track B: by completing (07) points refer to table 1 & 2

 and publishing the original articles (review article, editorial material, proceeding paper,…etc. will not be considered) in journals indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) and publishing the original articles indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) or in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), within the Web of Science. The journals must have Impact factor and included in a Web of science data bases during the period of this contract.


7- The duration of the contract is one year, and can be extended for the same duration with consent of the Deanship of Scientific Research.
8-Upon expiration of the contract, the financial dues will be settled in accordance with the number of scientific articles that meet the requirements.




Second: Conditions for the Acceptance of Research Articles for the Research Groups:

1- All published articles of the Group must include an acknowledgement of the financial support provided by the Deanship of Scientific Research at KSU including the number of the Research Group as follows: 

“The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for funding this work through Research Group no. RG-XXXX-XX”,

or any other statement with similar meaning.
2- Articles published before signing the contract will not be accepted as part of the Group’s deliverables.
3- A maximum of 1 point will be allotted in case of two students and 0.50 points will be allocated in case of one student in any paper.
4- It is a required that at least 50% of the names of the members of the Research Group be included on every published article of the Group.
5- Articles that include acknowledgements for any other party within KSU other than the support for the Research Group from the deanship of scientific research will not be accepted.
6- Published articles that exceeds 25% content similarity will not be accepted.
7- The number of authors in each published articles from outside the Group should not exceed the double of the number of the Group; an exception to this are articles published in journals classified within the Top 10%.
8- Complete adherence to the rules and ethics of scientific research.
9- Only one Review paper is permitted to submit during one round iff it is Q1.
10- In order to finalize about the reank of the journal, only the acceptance date will be considered. 



Third: Regulations for Research Groups

1- Meeting the conditions of the completed Research Group in accordance with the concluded contract with the Deanship of Scientific Research.
2- That the Articles published by the concluded Research Group have one Corresponding Author from within the Research Group.
3-Not to publish more than two articles in the same journal unless the journal is listed within top quartile (Q1).


Fourth: Financial Regulations for the Research Groups

1- The approved budget for the Group is amounted to SAR 150,000.
2- There is no first/down payment upon approval of the research group. 
3-The principal researcher will be paid Saudi Riyals 150,000 after publishing and submitting the required research articles/15 points as stipulated in the contract. Only then, all financial matters will be settled.


Last updated on : January 12, 2023 2:31am