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Conferences Initiative - Second Session


International scientific conferences are an important source of knowledge and one of the main means of building relationships and exchanging experiences, as they allow researchers and participants to learn about new research trends in the field of the conference. Based on this, the university is keen to provide the opportunity and encourage researchers to attend international conferences for specialization with a high reputation so that they can Researchers can gain new sciences and knowledge, build international scientific partnerships, and exchange scientific expertise, which will reflect on achieving the university’s strategic goals.

Initiative objectives

1- Keeping up with current events and exchanging scientific opinions about them with a group of distinguished people.
2-Creating opportunities to exchange cultures and learn about everything new in the researcher’s field of specialization.
3-Exchanging scientific expertise and creating new international research partnerships.
4- Raising the research competencies of faculty members.
5- Developing communication skills, constructive criticism, asking inquiries, and solving problems through discussions that take place within the conference.

Controls for participation in the conference initiative

The Deanship of Scientific Research has completed the first session of the Conferences Initiative, and the Deanship is pleased to launch the second phase, in accordance with the following controls and conditions.

First, conference-specific regulations:

1- The conference must be held regularly and not less than 5 sessions, with the exception of conferences in modern scientific trends based on the recommendation of the Dean of the College.
2- The conference organizer must be one of the international universities or reliable and prestigious scientific societies belonging to one of the advanced and research-distinguished countries.
3- The conference topics should be within a field within the research priorities of the university’s institutional finance program.
4-The conference should have an international arbitration committee announced on the Internet.
5-The duration of the conference should not be less than three days.
6-Preference will be given to conferences that have a conference book (proceeding paper) published on the Web of Science website.
7-The conference must not be held in the country of origin of the applicant of non-Saudi nationality.

Second, controls for the applicant:

1-Priority is given to applications submitted by Saudi researchers.
2-The researcher submitting the application must be a faculty member at King Saud University and is currently working.
3-The academic degree of the researcher applying to participate in a scientific conference should not be less than the rank of “Assistant Professor” or its equivalent in health colleges.
4- The researcher’s participation will be in a scientific paper (oral presentation) or poster only.
5-The researcher in the scientific paper or poster participating in them must be affiliated with King Saud University.
6- If the participation paper is published in the conference book (Proceeding Paper), the researcher is obligated to be affiliated with King Saud University only, and to write a word of thanks for the institutional funding program in the scientific paper as follows: “The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputy ship for Research & Innovation, Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia for funding this work”.
7- There must be a relationship between the topic of participation in the conference and the specialty of the participating researcher submitting the application.

Third, procedures controls:

1-Application for the conference must be made at least two months before it is held. 

2-The applicant fills out the conference initiative form. 

3-The applicant attaches a letter of acceptance of the scientific paper to the conference. 

4-The applicant shall attach the department head’s approval to participate in the scientific conference.

5- The researcher is not entitled to more than one participation during the academic year. 

6-The participating researcher must submit a detailed report on his participation in the conference after its completion, attaching with it evidence of attendance and participation.

7- Participation in conferences is supported according to the following:

- An amount of twenty thousand riyals for the countries of Europe, America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

- An amount of ten thousand riyals for the rest of the other countries.

- After approval by the competent committee, the participant receives a certificate of completion as a document for disbursing dues for the scientific mission.

Application of the initiative

Applications will be received by downloading the application form in “Word” format and filling it out starting Monday 10/18/1444 AH corresponding to 5/8/2023 AD.

Attach the required documents and send it to the initiative’s email address: IFKSUCP@KSU.EDU.SA in order to complete the application submitted to participate in a scientific conference.

(Download the application form for participation in a scientific conference)

Last updated on : July 24, 2024 1:49am