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Research Support and services Unit





Editing services procedure:

1. The researcher must be a formal employee of King Saud University and send the serves designated form via the official KSU Email.

2. The researcher is committed to placing his name and affiliation (acknowledgment) with King Saud University on the research when it is published, in the case edited manuscript fails to show both researcher name and or KSU acknowledgment when published Deanship of Scientific Research will be notified about the matter for appropriate actions.

3. The manuscript intended for editing should be a novel Article. RSSU does not provide editing service for review articles, thesis, dissertations, reports or research proposals.

4. The manuscript intended for editing must contain conform Structure, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Style Scientific Paper (unit officials are competent to review parts of the research)

5. The researcher must specify the name of the journal he intends to publish the manuscript at. The publication vessel must be classified within the Web of Science database only and must show impact factor.

6. Every researcher is entitled to apply for only one editing service per calendar month (30 days).

7. the manuscript word count must not exceed 10,000 words.

8. a manuscript edited by RSSU cannot be sent for re-editing unless accompanied by a formal reviewer responds that mentions clear and specific formatting and linguistics errors.  

9. researchers applying for journal selection service must include the following information sent to RSSU Email:

9.1. manuscript general research area

9.2. manuscript specific research area

9.3. The journal impact factor to be selected and the Quarter classification.     

Application form for Editing Services

Research Consulting Service:

The research consultancy service is provided to all university employees, whether by Email, phone call, or on-person at the RSSU main office.    


Similarity (Plagiarism) Report Service procedure:

1- The researcher must be an employee and/ or a student at King Saud University and send the application through the official university Email.

2- The name(s) and affiliation of the researcher(s) must be included in full on the research paper or thesis.

3- The research title must be written inside the manuscript/ research.

4- manuscripts intended for publication are entitled for 4 (four) plagiarism report generation.

5- It is permitted to examine student reports or reviewed articles for promotions sent by KSU official entity, provided that this is clarified in the e-mail sent to the unit.

6- Every researcher is entitled to apply for 10 (ten) plagiarism per calendar month (30 days).  

Application form for similarity services


Statistical analysis service procedure:

1- The service is provided to KSU faculty members and researchers only.

2- The service is not provided to undergraduate or postgraduate students.

3- The researcher can communicate with the statistical analyst in the unit to determine the types of tests required based on the questions and hypotheses of the study.

4- Every researcher is entitled to apply for 1 (one) statistical analysis service per calendar month (30 days) with a maximum of 5 (five) services annually.  

Application form for staticstics services


Last updated on : January 12, 2023 2:31am