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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

وحدة مساندة وخدمات الباحثين بشكلها الجديد







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Research Consulting Service:

The research consultancy service is provided to all university employees, whether by Email, phone call, or on-person at the RSSU main office.     Page Up


نموذج طلب خدمة قياس الإقتباس       

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Similarity (Plagiarism) Report Service procedure:

1- The researcher must be an employee and/ or a student at King Saud University and send the application through the official university Email.

2- The name(s) and affiliation of the researcher(s) must be included in full on the research paper or thesis.

3- The research title must be written inside the manuscript/ research.

4- manuscripts intended for publication are entitled for 4 (four) plagiarism report generation.

5- It is permitted to examine student reports or reviewed articles for promotions sent by KSU official entity, provided that this is clarified in the e-mail sent to the unit.

6- Every researcher is entitled to apply for 10 (ten) plagiarism per calendar month (30 days).  

Application form for similarity services

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تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 2:31ص